Fearless Eater...uh...Leader
¡Hola! Football junkies!
I'm Marc Baker, founder of BragWar.com. Don’t be confused by my Mexican greeting. This site is geared for good ol' red-blooded American football, NOT soccer. Don't get me started. We offer all you football dorks out there (you know who you are) two services: a League History Stats Engine and Fantasy Gambling League. Both of these products offer highly configurable settings. You can tailor the rules to your league's specific preferences. And I have a laundry list of ideas to expand on this most awesome site.
Check out the details. You WILL be impressed!
  League History Stats Engine

Fantasy football players that have been in a league with close friends for several years will LOVE this product. This idea started out with a bunch of childhood friends who have now been in a fantasy league for over 20 years. Several of us tailgate and hang out together for football games and we like to bust each other's chops constantly. The prevailing conversation usually comes down to bragging about your fantasy football prowess, and letting everyone else know how much they suck. Well, what quantifies that better than statistics? There are tons of statistics used by NFL analysts, agents, teams, etc. to establish credibility to their view. So, why not do the same for your fantasy football league. This tool will enable you to establish your "bragging rights," no matter how lame your team is. Or if you're good (like me), it'll put the stats in black and white to display your dominance!

  Fantasy Gambling League
Another way to show you friends that you are superior to them in football prognostication. Not only that, but it keeps me from betting with a bookie and losing my shirt. Get a group of your schmuck friends or members of your current fantasy league, and start a fantasy gambling league! Here's how it works in a nutshell. Each member starts out with a predefined fictional amount and bets on NFL games weekly throughout the season just as if you were placing a bet with a bookie. Once your allotment is gone you're out! Whomever has the most at the end of the season wins.
Sign up, get in, participate, and prepare to be amazed!

For those that get their panties all in a bunch over having war in the website name, as Sgt. Hulka would say, "Lighten up Francis." In no way am I comparing these games to actual war. This is a lighthearted site. I have the utmost respect and admiration for our soldiers. My father is a Vietnam War vet. So, I hope I'm not pissing him off... I'm pretty sure he can still take me.